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Natural Leadership in Transformations

The potential of organizations is unprecedented if they connect with the essence or spirit of the organization. A much more powerful perspective is created. I help organizations and people develop this perspective

Leader in Transformations

Maarten is a Leader in Transformations and transitions for founder owned, PE owned and corporate business.

In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations need individuals who can navigate the complexities with ease and skill. Maarten is a dynamic and strategic leader who has mastered the art of connecting people within an organization to foster collaboration and growth. With a unique ability to simplify complex matters, Maarten ensures that everyone in the organisation has a clear understanding of their objectives.

Beach at Sunset

Discover Maarten's Distinctive Approach

A philosophy that calls forth the best in individuals, situations, organizations, and societies. Explore the key elements of his philosophy, from being present with the realities of the moment to building resilience and regenerative leadership.

Being present with the realities of the moment

Cutting to the essence of what is really happening

Engaging the intuitive and rational minds in partnership

Quickly assessing a situation and finding a next step

Strengthening resilience / regenerative leadership

Moving forward with effective and compassionate action

Maarten played an instrumental and leading role in the successful carve-out from our growth scale up division. Throughout his tenure, Maarten has fostered good relationships with all stakeholders, working diligently to bring about structural improvements to the business, yielding strong results. Maarten's innate ability to build strong teams, collaborate effectively with others, and serve as a connector has made him an invaluable asset to the organization during the carve out phase.

-CEO  & Chairman Board of Management, International, market leader

Navigating Complexity


Are there indications of an impending conflict within the boardroom? Is your company on the brink of a crisis or are the governance relationships strained? In such scenarios, you would greatly benefit from an experienced and impartial boardroom partner. They would quickly identify the heart of the issue, and promptly execute creative and unorthodox solutions. All this while keeping in mind the interests of every stakeholder. This is why Maarten is a great Boardroom partner

  • Serial CFO & Interim CEO

  • Thorough strategic and financial knowledge

  • Broad governance background

  • Capable of making quick decisions at a fast pace

  • Goal-oriented, clear, and fair in communication

  • Being trusted by all involved parties

  • Extensive experience in (international) restructuring processes

  • Delivers creative solutions that make a decisive impact

  • Quick insights due to a strong developed intuition

Ready to embark on a transformative journey?

Connect with Maarten to explore how his leadership can bring about positive changes in your organization. Reach out for advisory services, leadership guidance, or any inquiries.

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